Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Another one bites the dust.....
Wrote exam no.2 today: Physics Practical Paper.
Went alright I think. I know I stuffed up a couple questions and ran out of time on a couple more but the rest went ok. I think.
Have to wait and see....
Good news:
Lucy made a hand for me....
Going to take it home in the vac and gore it up and then find somewhere on the climbing wall to put it next term.... Should give a few people a fright. *evil grin*
Anyway, time to hit the books again, there's another exam tomorrow and some right evil person has decided I need to write it first thing in the morning....
8:30 am. Least I have the afternoon to myself.
Fiendishly hand-crafted by
1:05 pm
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
More Fire!!!
Hello again....
It's a bit late so this is going to be fast. Just a pic or two of Tris poiing that I promised....
Doing a funky looking buzzsaw while leaning backwards.
(He doesn't like his "beard" any way....)
Got no real idea what this is, just looks so cool.
I can tell you that there are a couple corkscrews in there at least....
One more thing that may or may not be rather amusing: The Physical Laws of Anime
Got another exam tomorrow.
Splat is gone.
*big flash of light*
Fiendishly hand-crafted by
11:10 pm
Monday, May 29, 2006
Just had to say that. Tristan decided to poi tonight, so a group of us trooped down to Kimberley Hall.
Ok, so trooped is a bit strong. We walked the about 60m to Kimberley Hall and Tristan did some pretty good poi. We did have to wait for the Greyhound bus to leave though.
After the show, a car rocks up with people looking for the bus.... Typical, isn't it? (That's another story for when I want a good rant....)
Anyway, I invited them to come watch, since Tris was going to do another show.
Turns out that these guys also poi. They were fan-bloody-tastic. I'm not saying they put Tris to shame but they were really very good.
Adrian took some pics so I'll do another pics spread (like with the Spur night) at some stage soon. If I get the photos off him that is....
Anyway, back to the books.
Ciao from Splat Aston
Fiendishly hand-crafted by
7:55 pm
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Spur pics....
Got a couple photos from last night....
Me eating pudding. This photo was taken by Geoff.
Him and Tris were going nuts with the camera.
Darn camera freaks...
v The camera freak no. 1: Mr. Geoff Wakefield.
v El Tristano: totally nuts but an interesting guy.... (camera freak no. 2)
If I haven't said it before, I'm saying it now. This was an awesome evening.
Good food and some really great company.
Just gotten back from watching Back to the Future III. A very groovy movie....
Definitely try watch the trilogy: they are great. Quite funny too.
Gotta get some sheet time, so the Splat is outta here....
Fiendishly hand-crafted by
11:34 pm
Fun night....
To make up for missing any sort of celebration last night (Friday), a whole bunch of us went down to Spur for supper.
It was fun, especially a half-drunk Nick waxing lyrical about the pros and cons of dagga, whether or not religion is worth anything and whether its better than science or not.
Most thought provoking comment was this one about dagga:
Don't smoke dagga if you aren't happy with your life.Makes sense I guess: if you aren't happy and the weed makes you feel better, then you'll want to smoke more to feel better. If you're happy, then you won't need to feel happier due to dagga and so won't want to try again if you don't want to.
Worth thinking about? Maybe. I still am against it but it was amusing to see some very good points made in favour of it.
Conversation in general was interesting, even if Tris keeps teasing me about being from eShowe....
Finished off with a movie in Tristan's room. Need to do some maths later today.
Anime now though, then sleepies.
Fiendishly hand-crafted by
12:56 am
Saturday, May 27, 2006
1 down, 7 to go!
Wrote my first exam today. Earth Science practical paper.
Should have passed without too much trouble. But I'm hesitant to say anything concrete.
Need to do some work for the next one so I'm heading out to print some practicals out.
7 to go!
Life is good....
Can't wait to go home though. Miss people. I will hopefully get som photos on here at some stage so you can see the crazy building I live in and my crazy-ish self as well.
Shouldn't crack too many monitors....
Cheers for now!
Fiendishly hand-crafted by
3:29 pm
Friday, May 26, 2006
Last lectures....
I can hear a fire alarm. Nasty subwardens somewhere....
Especially on the last day of lectures!
*does happy dance*
I fail to see why people don't go to lectures: I know people who haven't attended a single lecture in some subjects. How they intend to pass is beyond me....
I'm fairly pleased with myself: I've only missed two maths lectures, and now three comp sci ones. I am skipping the compsci ones on purpose, the maths were involuntary.
This new compsci section is sooo boring. Almost as bad as the intro to info sys we had earlier, but even less interesting to me...
I had a look at the timetable checker, I can do philosphy 2 next year. I might go to some of the lectures at least.
Gotta get there first and that means I need to do some work: first exam is tomorrow.
That means I can't go out tonight....
We're (bunch of friends) going to Spur tomorrow night though so all is well in Splatland.
Anyway, I'd better get to some lectures. Don't feel like missing them.
Fiendishly hand-crafted by
8:08 am
A new power is rising....
That would crack up one of my friends at least.
This is the first post to my shiny new blog.
Background info:
Name: 'Aston' Martin Bentley
Age: 19 and 10 days.
Place: Rhodes University, Grahamstown
I am currently reading a BSc degree at Rhodes University. Subjects are: Maths, Physics, Comp Sci, Earth Science and Chemistry.
Workload>Martin's Brain Capacity
Not too much to say, except that I write my first exam on Saturday. Earth Science practical.
This will likely not be too interesting to most, but I hope to have a couple gems in here at some stage....
Fiendishly hand-crafted by
12:19 am