Friday, June 30, 2006

Something happened....


I actually did something today. Admittedly not anything really productive, but something different:
Went to the beach.

That meant heading down to Scottburgh (about 2 hours away for them as don't know) to meet him. Had an awesome time in the waves.

Waiting for sunburn now....

Unfortunately I didn't get any photos, so you can't actually see what happened, but it was fun.
Plus one of my parental units (my mom) got to meet one of my Rhodent friends so it was good.

Anyway, I need to get some sleep, work tonight was hectic. Not much to show for it though. Grrrr....
More if something else happens, I'm hoping Mark can come visit some time at least.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006


It's not that my time has been limited, it's just that I've really done nothing.

And I mean that: I have been watching anime and poiing with little of anything else. But, on the plus side: I is getting to Durban on Friday to meet Tristan. So hopefully I'll be able to say a bit more then.

But, rest assured loyal readers (such as there are), your favourite Splat is still alive and breathing!

(So far)

Incidentally, try doing a search for paper planes on Google. Lots of fun actually....

Friday, June 23, 2006



That took long enough.... The bus was late so I only left Grahamstown at about 11am. Instead of 9am. Wonderful start. Furthermore, we somehow managed to lose a grand total of three hours on the trip.

I got here (eShowe, for them as don't know) at half-past-two in the morning yesterday. On the bright side, I'm home.

It's good to be back, seen many of my old friends, went back to work tonight and remembered how much fun it is for me. Luckily we were busy. It was hectic, but I enjoyed it.

Now to continue making a dent in my anime list, unfortunately, I've forgotten Evangelion in my trunk, so that's a no go. Hellsing will have to do. I like it though, it's pretty cool. Lots of red though. Hehe. Guess vampires do that.

Anyway, I will be updating this, but less often. Have good day.
*Aston disappears in flash of light*

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Goodbye to G-town

Well, I am out of here tomorrow morning. Intend to blow my internet cap first though (or at least make a serious dent in it)....

Another day of doing very little: packed up my room this morning, doubtless forgetting stuff, and then, after lunch: arb time!

  1. went to go buy some munchies for the bus (jelly babies. mmmm)
  2. trekked to FNB after the ATM swallowed Tris' card
  3. waited around near the Arch for Jade and Jody.
  4. went for milkshakes at Mad Hatters, which were awesome!
  5. arbed around on St Peter's Lawn till 5
So it was a good day. I've unbooked supper so I am going down the hill to get an Olde's Burger. It deserves the capital letters by the way: they are really cool.

But that is for later, first, I need to say goodbye to Joe and take a shower.

My stuff is now locked in the boxroom, for better or ill. Hope I haven't forgotten anything too important. My room looks so empty without the clutter.... Will vacumn before I leave tomorrow.

Bus is going to be soo boring. Least I borrowed a book from Jody (I've finished all of mine) so I can keep partially awake. But knowing myself, I'll sleep a great deal of the way. Unless I meet someone I know. In which case I'll talk their ear off.

Then home! This time tomorrow, well, I'll still be on the bus but you get the idea.

To everyone reading this:
*listens to echoes of empty auditorium*
Have an awesome holiday, see you next term.

This will be updated, but not as often. Feel free to leave a comment to tell me what you are planning.

This is mine: extension cord, laptop, anime, music, e-books. (fill in the blanks :D )
Hope to go climbing with the Freers, depending on their plans.
Mark: I'll see you around!

Aston, over and out for semester 1!

Finished! (and post 20)

Wrote my last exam today(technically yesterday...)! I is now free!
The exuberance is not only because I'm finished, I think I did pretty well today. But we shall see. Doubtless I've made some stupid mistakes.

Free to sit in the garden and read e-books and watch anime. Yay!
Need to organise an extension cord.

I leave tomorrow. A lovely 12 hour bus trip. With another hour and a half after that. And the laptop only has a 2 hour battery life. Big whoop.

Will have to get a proper book instead. Or just sleep. I think I may do that.

Talking of books, Jim Baen, the owner of Baen Books has had a stroke. I'm hoping that he comes out of it alright: he's really trying to get good books out. And he has a very progressive e-book policy.

On that sadder note, I is outta here. I need some sleep before I tackle the ground-zero that is my room.

Saturday, June 17, 2006


I feel much better.

Tris, Geoff, Joe and I went to go play squash. So now, although I'm tired, I'm a lot less frustrated.

Tristan just did another poi show, just for Geoff and I. He got the chain wrap right. It's funny, because he can't do it with practice poi. Strange.

So, although I'm still dubious about the maths, I'm feeling way better. And I've made peace with the person I annoyed (will just have to watch my big mouth in future). *does happy dance*

Now to physics.

What a wonderful day....


I think I did OK in the maths test but am not sure. Will have to wait and see.
My fears about intergration were fully justified but I think the limits and differentiation went alright.

And as if that wasn't bad enough, I managed to offend someone I would much rather be friends with.

All in all, a lovely day.
Going to play squash this evening so hopefully I can get some aggression out.

I need to do something physical again, but running is not going to be it.
Squash is good, climbing would be better but that's a no-go. Pity.

One more exam to go though! Monday evening all shall be right with the world. I hope.
That's if I manage to get through the weekend without alienating anyone else.
*curses big mouth

Friday, June 16, 2006

Baa! Baa!

Feel pity for the poor little Martin lamb.

Having to walk unprotected into a lair of vicious derivatives, integrals and functions early tomorrow.

See? I at least know what's going to slaughter me.... But that's no real comfort.

Maths tends to lurk: it hides and I'm fine. The day before the paper, I freak. I feel I know nothing. And that isn't an over-exagerration. Much. I feel I know less than any έ such that έ>0 .
Ack! Get out of my mind!

All I'm looking for (and wanting) is a pass. We shall see what the morrow brings.
Death and suffering and mass gnashing of teeth I expect.

And mutter: I couldn't sleep, so that's what I'm doing up so late.

I found something to make me feel better: Maths jokes 1, Maths jokes 2 and Maths jokes 3. Now some of these will be duplicates, but that's how mathematicians work it seems.

Anyway, I'm feeling a bit more relaxed. I'm just hoping I do OK tomorrow.
As long as I can get into the second semester and still be in MAT 1, I'm happy.

-_- zzzzzzzzzz


That isn't overkill either.
I write maths in less than 24 hours.

On the plus side I managed to get this working in a break just now....

Now for lunch then back to the panicing....
Does anyone know of a nice tall building with spikes at its base?

Thursday, June 15, 2006

2 to go!

Another one bites the dust!
Ah... Queen. Brilliant stuff.

I'm in a really good mood: EAR 101 went ok. Rowntree's essay topics were bad but the rest went fine. I think. We'll see.

2 papers to go.
Saturday (Maths. *looks for long rope)
Monday (Physics. *searches for fireworks)
Then home on Wednesday!

If anyone wants to bomb the plane I'm one, they are out of luck: I'm taking the bus.

Anyway, going to go wish Stuart goodbye, he's leaving tomorrow and then back to the books.

The final countdown....

This time next week I'll be at home!
I'll miss the people here, but I need a break.

Holiday plans: Get an extension cord and sit in the garden (so that itchy blister can't moan I don't get any sun...) and either watch anime or read e-books.

I hope to visit Paddy too but I'll have to see when/if that happens.

The final part of the countdown?
Maths on Saturday at 8:30.

I want to CLIMB! But the wall is closed.
And look at it:

It be soo beautiful.... I can't wait to climb again....
Now I'm scaring myself. I need a girlfriend.

Now: poi till lunch then write EAR 101 theory paper at 14:00.
*dashes off

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Fun website....

You may (or may not) know that I like SF a great deal.
The other day, I stumbled upon a simply lovely site: Project Rho
This is a site that includes (among other things) a guide to how to go about building an "atomic rocket". It's actually a fairly well researched bit.
Strongly suggest that anyone with a vague interest in space travel should have a look at it.

I've also found a new language I want to learn: lojban. Should be amusing....

MApSoc the other day was fun: afterwards we went out to see Tristan poi again. No photos unfortunately. :*(
Then a bunch of us just arbed around in the carpark outside Kimberley Hall for an hour or so. Lots of fun.

Anyway, I must be off: the maths book is calling to me again.
Of course I can't actually reach it, but I can get as close as I please....
It's evil I tell you. It's invading my MIND!
*runs away

Sunday, June 11, 2006


Well I had a wonderfully unproductive Saturday.
Which isn't overly good....

Played squash from 2 till just after three then wlked to P 'n P to get something to drink, then started trekking up and ran into some people so we stopped to talk. That meant we got back up the hill in time for supper.

I had a good day. Need to do some more maths after this though.

Unfortunately, I have no sound on my computer. I haven't got the foggiest idea why. It's really annoying because I've got more flexibility over what plays on the computer.
I will survive though.

Now to work, there's a MApSoc meeting tonight I think....

Sunday, June 04, 2006

ProcSoc News

It's amazing really.

Around exam time all those little things become very important:
Cleaning your room, visiting friends to help clean theirs....
Vacumning the floor, cleaning the basin, sorting socks by colour....
Deciding which shirt to wear on which day for the next couple weeks, making sure they fit....
Fixing a broken ruler/protractor, buying pencils....
Deciding to have a cup of tea, realising you have no biscuits so going to but some more....
Washing both sides of your windows, choosing which pen to write your notes in....

Really unusual.
Everyone seems to be affected by this strange malaise. Must be a bug going around.

Just a thought....

Saturday, June 03, 2006

The wonders of language....

Got an SMS from my mom.
Seems amusing that my language with a cellphone is better than hers. Guess predictive text helps somewhat.

It's actually quite interesting how language changes. To that end, I would suggest a visit here: World Wide Words
A very interesting site run by one of the gentelemen doing research for the Oxford English Dictionary.

My sister got a gold for her ballet thingy. Which means I am pleased too.

Anyway, pizza awaits!
*attempts to dash off on surface rendered fritionless by drool