Been a busy couple of weeks:
Various society stuffs (RUMC and Neko mostly)
Work (Pracs are taking longer)
Admin issues with Kay and Zoe.
Although, that basically sums it up.
Last weekend Kay was away so I went out with Markles, Brad, Evol, Zoe and SJ. Was quite a lot of fun. Went to Champs where some drunk twit almost ended up with broken fingers for trying to feel Zoe up while Evol had his arms around her. Also had a random session at Steers: just talking rubbish for the most part. Which reminds me, I owe Evol about R20. *makes note*
Zoe was really tired, so Evol walked her back while the rest of us waited outside Champs for him and Markles to get back. After they got back, we figured we might as well just head back up to res.
Forgot to mention that we met up with Cathleen (from TP) and Dale. When we got back up the Hill, I went to fetch Pratchett books for her and then we sat and talked for ages.
Saturday night Brad and Markles decided to try and take SJ on in a drinking competition. I don't think I need to point out that Brad and Mark failed to win. Miserably. Swaying was very noticeable.... Anyway, a whole bunch of people I knew were on the mosaic, so I joined them. After that we went to the Old Gaol for a bit. Then we went back up the Hill, where I sat talking with Cathleen for ages again.
The rest of the week was pretty humdrum, but I got to climb a fair bit, so it's all good. Signed up for Goju Ryu, RUMC, RUCUS, Neko and ROCSOC. The last is sort of expected as a Geology student. The talks should be useful as well though.
Other than that, Kay and Zoe are really annoying me. Just for the record. Not going to go into it, ask if you really *have* to know. I'll decide if you're right though. :P
Right, more work now.
1 comment:
I'm all out of ankhs. Could offer a morpork :-)
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