Monday, July 31, 2006

Update again!

Sorry to all the avid readers of the exciting life of Splat_Aston that this has taken so long, I've just been really busy.

I've had to drop MAT 1 due to a horrendous mark. No I'm doing MAT 1E which is the same work taken over two years. Means I need to take an extra year to finish my degree.

Oh well, there are worse places to be stuck.

Since getting here, I haven't been out much, but I did go climbing on Saturday: was totally great.
Need to do that more often.

I'm also going to see, I have been told (when I asked) that if I want to, I can get some weekend work at the physics department. It sounds tedious (correcting maximum and minimum values on ionosonde readings) but I'll get something for it, and hopefully a foot in the door. Will just need to balance time carefully.

Not too much else to say, except it's good to be back.
I've missed people here. It's really gotten to be a second home.

Apart from being short on sleep, life is very good.

Aston, out.

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