The events I am about to relate all took place in a small university town named Grahamstown in the ten days between my last letter and this one.
I seem to be posting less. I guess it's because nothing is really happening. Meh.
Monday afternoon was good: Graham, Zoe, Kay and myself went on a sort of double date. I say sort of because it was just an excuse to have some fun. Most of it at Zo's expense funnily enough....
Graham and I were almost forcibly thrown out of the Red Cafe' by Zoe. Kay wasn't impressed either. Philistines. Don't appreciate wordplay.
Incidentally, Red Cafe' make some really nice dessert shakes: Bar One, Oreo or Peppermint Crisp. *shudders in delight*
In other news, I've made it onto the RUMC commitee for next year! Very chuffed, Dale is also on the comm and also chuffed by it. I also got the award for dedication to climbing. Yay! I was the only person to have attended 100% of the internal league fixtures so am rather stoked. Speaking of climbing, I have Montagu pics....

o Dale sitting on the ledge we had lunch on while climbing
Another Day in Paradise. That was one awesome day: 7 pitches (individual climbs after the other) and 165m high. Was just so.... woohoo!

o One of the few pictures I have of me climbing. This was on one of our "warm-ups" to
Another Day in Paradise, and was at Sloth Crag. (The name of the route eludes me)
Photo credit to Dale Morris.
I had a geology field trip last weekend. It was fun, but I'd rather have stayed in Grahamstown. Caught up on sleep or something. Plus I wouldn't have the write-up to do. Workload is pretty hectic: three write-ups (two Geo, one Physics) due on Thursday and Friday respectively, Physics test on Friday, tut due tomorrow, Maths test next week Tuesday, normal CS prac due next Wednesday and of course the usual heap of pracs every afternoon. Work. Blegh. Gets in the way of having fun.Meanwhile, lectures continue apace. Chem is still really boring, CS is interesting, Maths goes well, Geology is pretty cool (this stratigraphy stuff is fun) and Physics, well that hasn't gone so well recently. Managed to get 42% despite getting all eight multiple guess questions (worth 48%) wrong, so I'm pleased at that at least.
Somewhere in there I need to put together an entry for the programming competetion. Gonna try and make a binary display clock. Just need to figure out how.... Got some ideas though.
I really can't wait to have only three subjects next year. Going to be so lovely. Will still be a boatload of work, but I'll have more time to procrastinate doing it. So maybe more regular blog updates....
Completely unrelated, I'm going to try move into Piet Retief next year, since all the CB gang seem to want to move. Place won't really be the same without them so I'd rather move somewhere where I know some of the people a bit better than I do those in here.
What else is going on in Splatland? Not really much. I'm still breathing, still making puns, still having the weekly arb sessions on Thursday before maths (the whole bunch of us have a common free which is cool). Means I get another chelsea bun from the blockhouse.
Maybe I should change this blog's name to "The Splash Diaries". What do you think loyal readers? I say this because it's been raining for the last two days. The only reason I'd like to move off the hill is so that I don't have to walk in the rain as much.
I've recently discovered a band called Tunng. Really, really weird, but very cool music. Sort of folk music with electric synths in it. Try get hold of some.
Hope you like the new look by the way.
Aston out.